Good Old Fist-i-cuffs

The Heroes sci-fi, drama re-run tonight was the episode called "How To Stop An Exploding Man."

Apparently, at the end of the season, quite a few people gave this episode some negative votes. Some people thought that this season wrap-up episode was 'disappointing,' and that the wrap-up show could have been more exciting, with more flash'n'flair.

(Some people will always complain, eh?)

In my view, it was an enjoyable episode and I'm glad I have been able to watch it again on re-run. Now, I should be all caught up with the storyline before next week, when Season Two begins.

In the final moments of the eposide, How To Stop An Exploding Man, there is a final confrontation between some of the Heroes against Sylar.

In the end, a good old-fashioned fist fight is what Peter uses to drop Sylar to the ground - even though just moments before, Matt's bullets couldn't even take Sylar down.

*ouch*@Matt - who fell for the old 'frozen bullets-richochet-back' trick, perhaps one of the older tricks in the sci-fi book!

I can't wait 'til next week, when Heroes, Season Two "Generations" begins. I want to see if Matt is okay!

Speaking of 'frozen bullets' - I just remembered an awesome Korn video where the lead singer is able to freeze a runaway bullet before it strikes him - and then he sends the bullet back on a reverse path.

Some great effects



Originally, I had posted the embedded video
here. When I checked the post and video to
see that it was working - DOH! - It hit me
that Korn's lyrics are questionable in parts
of this 'Freak On A Leash' song.

Obviously with the 'F' word in the lyrics,
I can't allow the video on blogger space,
but don't worry...

Instead, here's the link to view the video

Korn - "Freak On A Leash" - You Tube Video
(opens in new window)

Sorry for the mix-up there, people.

Enjoy the video - keep an eye on the bullet!


Heroes 9th Wonders Comic Art T-Shirt
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