Tim Kring Mentions Variations on Abilities

I just read an interesting interview where Tim Kring speaks out about what's in store for Heroes Season Two.

Basically, he says to face facts:

There are limited numbers of truly COOL 'superpowers' or abilities. The rest are variations upon certain powers.

In season two, Kring focuses on showing viewers that these EXTRAORDINARY abilities are becoming known to people ALL OVER THE WORLD, so naturally, Kring can't INVENT brand new abililties for everyone he brings into the show!

OF COURSE - there will be characters who have similar or same abilities...no rocket science here. There can't be only one person in the HEROES world with the extraordinary ability to fly or be invisible or heal or whatever... particularly if more characters are going to show up and cast/Heroes numbers rise.

So - don't be tuning in looking for more special effects designed to highlight new abilities that you've never seen before...instead look for how the Heroes find new ways to use their abilities!

Besides - the character interaction and what the characters DO with their powers are what will be important in Season Two (Generations).

After all - don't we all want to know how the people USE their powers and cope with the fact that they have extraordinary abilities? This is what is important.

For instance - in Season One (Origins) I thought that Nathan was a jerk for a long time. He never did anything wonderful with his abilities, he never helped anyone out via use of his extraordinary powers, now did he? Not for a lonnnnnng time, he didn't!

While other characters began to use their abilities to help others, Nathan just sat around KNOWING that he could fly!

Even Peter was TRYING TO USE abilities for the good of others during a time when he didn't even KNOW what abilities he possessed. Hiro, of course, is all about helping others...

"Save the cheerleader, save the world" is this not the mantra that both Hiro and Peter use all throughout Season One? And THIS is more important than the special effects or television effects of any abilities...

Back to the Tim Kring info...

Found at this website:

Can Mag .com Interviews Tim Kring
(opens in new window)

Kring hints that some of the Heroes characters are going to fall back on old ways, so we're not going to see everything we want to see this season. Obviously, most people want to see Heroes using their abilities to the utmost potential and for the good of all mankind...ultimately, this is what Heroes are supposed to do, right?

Well - it's not going to happen right away in Season Two of the Heroes season.
("he he he" said the HEROES blogger gal)

Tim Kring doesn't actually give out too many facts in this interview, found at the Can Mag .com website, but what he does tell are a few hints that will keep viewers TUNED IN.

I don't want to over-extend comments here about the interview because who could explain this stuff better than creator of Heroes, Tim Kring himself?

I urge to you follow up and read the interview:

Can Mag .com Interviews Tim Kring
(opens in new window)

The Interview is Titled "Tim Kring Talks - Heroes Season Two"

The interview is from September 13, which occurred 11 days before the season opener show, so you'll note that Tim drops some hints but keeps a pretty tight lip on scenarios, characters and plot development.

It's a good interview to check out - now that the first Heroes show of Season Two has recenly come to air (last night). You can compare what Tim said on September 13th with what you saw on last night's Heroes episode!

Heroes 9th Wonders Comic Art T-Shirt

Heroes 9th Wonders Comic Art T-Shirt

Original 9th Wonders comic art by Tim Sale now screened on an exclusive Heroes T-Shirt. As any true Heroes fan knows, the plot of Heroes is designed to be similar to the stories of comic books. This 9th Wonders Comic tee depicts the scene from the Heroes Pilot episode when Hiro travels in time and warps to NYC. Sure to be a collector's item!

Don't forget to come and post your thoughts and opinions about Heroes Season Two in the Heroes Fan Discussions Club over at Yuwie!

On top of getting a chance to voice your opinions, you get PAID at Yuwie for interaction.

See you there!

Chapter One Four Months Later - Heroes Season 2

The New Season of Heroes has BEGUN

Something Extraordinary Will Happen Today

Something Extraordinary is going to happen in less than 20 hours!

Heroes Season Two begins in less than 20 hours!

At 9PM EST on NBC - Hope to see you for chat and discussion later, after the show!

I'll be logged in to the chat at the bottom of this blog...

Come and DISCUSS HEROES Theories

Hey everyone!

Are you all hyped up about the fact that SEASON TWO of HEROES starts in about 32 hours?


I'm excited. Soooo Excited that I started a club for Heroes Fans.

Come over to Yuwie and join in.

PLUS - Yuwie PAYS for interactions on-site. How great is that? Hang out with friends, chat about HEROES and get paid for this?

DISCUSS HEROES (over at Yuwie)
(opens in new window)

If you're not a member over at Yuwie - no problem - it takes about 90 seconds to become a member!

Membership is totally FREE, sign-up is easy, and you'll start earning right from the very first LOG-IN!

You'll even be able to find a cool 'HEROES' layout within the Yuwie site, so that people will be able to tell, without a doubt, that you're a full-fledged HEROES FAN!

The name of the 'Club,' once you're into the Yuwie site is simply:

Discuss Heroes
(opens in a new window)

It's easy to find.

See you there!

Good Old Fist-i-cuffs

The Heroes sci-fi, drama re-run tonight was the episode called "How To Stop An Exploding Man."

Apparently, at the end of the season, quite a few people gave this episode some negative votes. Some people thought that this season wrap-up episode was 'disappointing,' and that the wrap-up show could have been more exciting, with more flash'n'flair.

(Some people will always complain, eh?)

In my view, it was an enjoyable episode and I'm glad I have been able to watch it again on re-run. Now, I should be all caught up with the storyline before next week, when Season Two begins.

In the final moments of the eposide, How To Stop An Exploding Man, there is a final confrontation between some of the Heroes against Sylar.

In the end, a good old-fashioned fist fight is what Peter uses to drop Sylar to the ground - even though just moments before, Matt's bullets couldn't even take Sylar down.

*ouch*@Matt - who fell for the old 'frozen bullets-richochet-back' trick, perhaps one of the older tricks in the sci-fi book!

I can't wait 'til next week, when Heroes, Season Two "Generations" begins. I want to see if Matt is okay!

Speaking of 'frozen bullets' - I just remembered an awesome Korn video where the lead singer is able to freeze a runaway bullet before it strikes him - and then he sends the bullet back on a reverse path.

Some great effects



Originally, I had posted the embedded video
here. When I checked the post and video to
see that it was working - DOH! - It hit me
that Korn's lyrics are questionable in parts
of this 'Freak On A Leash' song.

Obviously with the 'F' word in the lyrics,
I can't allow the video on blogger space,
but don't worry...

Instead, here's the link to view the video

Korn - "Freak On A Leash" - You Tube Video
(opens in new window)

Sorry for the mix-up there, people.

Enjoy the video - keep an eye on the bullet!


Heroes 9th Wonders Comic Art T-Shirt

Contact Me At Yuwie

Contact me through the Yuwie Social Site! Let's talk about HEROES on one of the newest Social Contact Sites on the Net.

Yuwie also pays members for interacting - something that not even MySpace is doing (YET).

I would love to hear some of your Heroes Theories and hear about what you thought of Season One before NBC TV launches Season Two. It would be great to chat with Heroes fans and refresh my memory about Season One so that I can be ready when Season Two is ready to roll.

I'll have my website up and running by September 15 (www.teeray.com), and will dedicate some space to Heroes comments and details, but until the site is ready, I'd still like to hear from you.

Just log in, look for 'teeray' and send me a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Also - if you're keeping a Heroes blog yourself, let me know if you'd like to link up with me. I'd be happy to send some visitors your way if I get a chance to visit your blog. Send me your blog link for review through Yuwie. I will also comment from inside the Yuwie site, so you'll have a couple of links sending viewers your way.

Heroes Interactive Novel

Have fun at the NBC TV site. Check out the Heroes Interactive Novel. It's awesome.

There are actually two parts, but I'll place the link for the first part separately from the 2nd, and give you time to go test it out and see what you think.

Heroes Interactive Novel Part One
(opens in new window)

I like the phrase that is being pushed here, "Heroism Is Found In The Heart"

I think you'll like this Interactive Novel.

I'm messing around with it myself.


Matt Kills Claire

Oh great - Matt just shot Claire.

Nice thing for a cop to do, eh?

I'm watching the Heroes re-run, which is a good thing because so much happened in the first season, so many details are spun around in flashbacks and just plain flashing, that the re-runs remind me of a lot of things that I had forgotten.

Like - where the Hatian came from - and why he's always around Claire's dad...

I'll be back soon - the episode is about half over and I'm waiting for the Hatian to appear. He's just a little boy in this episode - the flashback is from 14 years before all the Heroes start to notice their extraordinary abilities...

Back soon - hope you're enjoying the re-run!

Watching Episode

Okay - I'm back during commercial break - Man, Claire is taking a beating, eh?

I don't want to talk about the show - there are some rockin' TV Commercials on - not really interesting to 'view' but excellent MUSIC!

Oh - and YAY CANADIAN company - a TIM HORTON's commercial - reminds me that I still have some decaf coffee around here to grab while the break is still on....


Watching Episode

Hmmm - Claire's mom is kind of dumb in 'present day' but I know we are going to find out why her mind doesn't work very well...it's from something that happened 14 years back with the Hatian, eh?


Gosh - Ted is SO UNSTABLE. What an angry guy - serious anger management issues, huh?

Whoa - in walks the 'present day' Hatian - he's a pretty big guy.
(Claire's Mom grabs the pooch - yay - Claire's MOM IS even a HERO!! She just saved the family dog from Ted!! Wooooooo Hoooooo. She might be a li'l 'off' in the head but she has her priorities set right! Got the kids, grabbed the poosh - left the hubby bad-guy behind lmao).

Wow, Ted's personality kinda lights up the whole house, eh?

NO CLAIRE - don't go back in the house - leave Ted in there!! No NO NOOOO!

Holy PYROMANIA Batman!! What a fire!

Sadly, Ted's anger management is not working....


Claire has taken a total beating - MAN! She looks AWFUL - (Horror Movie scene of Claire's burnt self walking out of the burning house - GROSS!).


I'm watching on Channel 7, "Global Calgary" Station.

Again - neat tunes - anyone like that Subaru Impressa commercial "The Japanese Car the Germans Wish They'd Made" with the 'Rock Me Amadeus' track on it? Takes ya back to the '80's!

Arby's commercial making me hungry.

The Source! More cool tunes. The Source by Circuit City advertising Bluetooth Phones. Who needs one?

Back to the show...but I can't type and watch at the same time anymore - things are getting interesting (and complicated - a lot of rapid sequences of flashbacks)
Watching the show
The ending had me a bit teary-eyed as Claire's dad and Claire were separated necessarily by the Hatian. I'll be back a bit later once I dry my eyes.

Heroes Fans Immobile On Monday Nights

Are your friends calling you a stick-in-the-mud because you won't go out with them on Monday nights?

What the heck is so special about going out on Monday nights, anyway?

I think that more likely, people are at home most Monday evenings, which is a good thing because then they won't miss episodes of Heroes!

I know the new season hasn't quite started yet, but it's going to be easy to 'follow routine' now that I have been watching the re-runs. Not much will change - just brand new episodes for season two, starting on September 24th!

Oh, hey! Did you order your Heroes DVD's? They were already on sale as of August 28th, so I'll bet that a lot of people are still waiting for their package to arrive. Once they arrive, I can imagine that a lot of Heroes fans will be sitting down to watch marathon-hours of Heroes episodes, one by one.

For those who are still waiting for their Heroes Season One DVD package to arrive, don't worry, you can still watch Heroes tonight - even if your package doesn't get to you by this evening. I know I know, it's a re-run - but what are you going to watch when those DVDs get to your door?

You'll be watching the same thing that I'm going to watch tonight - a Heroes episode!

Has anyone figured out that big Hatian dude yet?

I'm going to have to go over to the NBC website today and check out the 'Theories' threads because none of my closeby friends have been watching the show, and nobody really has any theories to chat about over here among my circle of pals.

I hope Season Two will be different. A few of my pals are going to start watching this season, so we'll be able to bat some theory ideas around over here.

Heroes seems to be a much bigger deal over in America - go figure - it's an American show.

I can't believe the show isn't more popular here - in Canada - land of comic book hero creators.

Superman and Spiderman originated from Canada, for gosh sake! Yeah, that's right. Superman was created by Canadian, Joe Schuster and pal, Jerry Siegel (American). Then Jerry made Superman defect to the United States grrrrr! Steve Ditko and Stan Lee created Superman in the 60's. Far out and Groovy!

Hey wait a minute...Nathan from Heroes has 'Superman' powers. The leaping into the air and the flying look all too familiar, don't they? Maybe Nathan is inherently Canadian, eh? Maybe there are things we still don't know about Nathan. Maybe Nathan was really born in Canada, eh?

This is probably a stupid theory - but ya never know. Maybe Nathan is not really American and that is why he is 'different.' Maybe he got his superpowers from being born in Canada, close to where Peter Parker/Spiderman was created. Maybe Nathan lived by the farm where Superman's parents used to live and Superman taught him some tricks. Hmmm

Things that make you say 'Hmmm'

Okay - so - wishful thinking.

I'm off to go read some Theories now. Maybe some hints will be in the Theories.