Godsend Helix Pendant

Heroes Helix Symbol Pendant Necklace

My Pendant came in a couple of weeks ago from NBC Universal.

It's a nice one and I've had several comments on it. A few people have asked me to order one for them, and I'll get right on that

Most people who have commented have also said they can't believe I watch a show like Heroes...because it contains a lot of fantasy...

Whoops - so sorry - I will have to hide my school books on "Plato" better, so that people don't think that I ONLY think about serious topics. Heck - that's schoolwork.

Anyhow, since I finally found the link, I thought I'd mention that the NBC Universal store has great Godsend/Helix pendants and that I've already ordered and received mine.

Heroes Helix Symbol Pendant Necklace
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